Roadside Station Yoshiumi Iki iki Kan 道の駅 よしうみいきいき館

Take in the delicacies of Oshima Island as with a spectacular view of the Kurushima Kaikyo Bridge

Located on Kurushuma Kaikyo Bridge's Oshima Island, this roadside station is a great place to rest when traveling across the Shimanami Kaido. The roadside station has a earthen charcoal brazier seafood barbecue with a close up view of the beautiful Seto Inland Sea. The restaurant features a wide menu of fresh seafood and other local ingredients, and the station's store holds a wide array of local vegetables, fish and other locally produced products. The large fish cage in the center of the facility holds sea bream, flounder, and a variety of other fish that greet visitors.

Basic Infomation

Address 愛媛県今治市吉海町名4520-2
Hours 9:00~17:00
[Restaurant & Barbecue] 10:00~16:00
Tel 0897-84-3710
Price [Rental Cycle Prices]
Adult (middle school and up) 2,000 Yen perd day
Children (elementary and below) 500 Yen per day
Electric Bicylce (adults only) : 2,500 Yen per day
※ Guarantee Fee: Adults - 1,100 Yen, Children (elementary and below) - 500 Yen
If the bicycle is returned to the terminal it was rented from or another terminal on the same island, the guarantee fee will be returned.